Walter Elliot’s Work Recognised in Scottish Parliament Motion.
Mar 21st 2021 | Rob Longworth
The Trimontium Trust is pleased to share the fantastic news that Walter Elliot, former Trust Chairman and renowned local historian, writer, broadcaster, poet and Borderer (among many other things) has recently been acknowledged and recognised for his work, knowledge, expertise and creativity by the following motion laid before the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood on 15th March 2021:
Motion ref. S5M-24367
Walter Elliot, Borders Writer and Historian
Submitted by: Christine Grahame, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party.
Date lodged: Monday, March 15, 2021
Supported by: Clare Adamson, Alasdair Allan, Donald Cameron, Annabelle Ewing, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Richard Lyle, Ruth Maguire, Joan McAlpine, Stuart McMillan, Gil Paterson, Stewart Stevenson, David Torrance, Sandra White
That the Parliament recognises the work of the Borders writer and historian Walter Elliot who, in a long life of self-taught study, has heaped many stones on Scotland’s cairn; believes that his unparalleled knowledge of the hills and valleys of Ettrick and Yarrow, reflected in his magisterial, two-volume history of Selkirkshire will stand for generations; recognises that in the year of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Sir Walter Scott, Walter has gifted to Abbotsford the last few volumes of his New Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, which follows on from Scott in recording the very best of the Border ballads and poems composed between 1805 and 2005; commends Walter’s archaeological work, which has helped to uncover the fascinating history of the Romans in the Borders, reflected in Walter’s role as one of the founders of the Trimontium Trust; notes that a splendid new museum to house all that has been discovered will open this year in Melrose, and recognises that, generous with his vast archive of research, Walter Elliot has helped dozens of authors and historians, and is a Borderer to his bones, as well as a man of whom all Scotland can be proud.