Press Release – Trimontium Trust announce their first Royal Patron: HRH Duke of Gloucester
Sep 10th 2020 | Rob Longworth
The Trimontium Trust appoints Royal as Patron as Museum Renovation Works Commence
The Trimontium Trust is delighted to announce that His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester KGGCVO will be their new Patron. His Royal Highness will be the first Royal Patron of the Trust
The appointment comes at an important time for The Trimontium Trust as construction work commences in September 2020 to renovate the current museum spaces housed in the Ormiston Institute in Melrose. This £1.3 million capital project has generously been supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF), the South of Scotland Economic Partnership (SoSEP), Scottish Borders Council (SBC), Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS) and many others. The plans for the refurbished Museum, housed in the Ormiston Institute in the heart of Melrose, include the creation of more display space, a more direct entry into the Museum, a much improved visitor reception space and the creation of new, state-of-the-art digital interpretation of the Roman site of Trimontium, the wider impact of the Romans in Scotland and the important story of the indigenous people they encountered when they arrived.
Dr John Reid, Chairman of The Trimontium Trust said: “it is a great honour for the Trust to have a Patron of such high standing. Trimontium is one of the most important Roman sites in the UK and His Royal Highness will help the us raise awareness of the importance of the unique Roman and native hillfort heritage in the Scottish Borders, which is home to not only the important Roman site of Trimontium, but one of the highest concentrations of Iron Age hillforts in Europe.’
- The Trimontium Trust was established to manage a Museum in Melrose dedicated to the Roman Fort of Trimontium and to also tell the wider story of the Romans in Scotland. With this support from NHLF Scotland and others to secure the £1.3million required, work will commence to refurbish the Museum in the autumn of 2020, to be completed by summer 2021.
- The site of Trimontium is located near to the village of Newstead in the Scottish Borders. The fort was occupied for over 100 years from the 1st-3rd centuries AD and at its peak is believed to have housed up to 3,000 people, including over 1,500 soldiers. This was a significant Roman settlement and is of international importance.
- Key finds made at Trimontium include a series of three stunning parade helmets (two with facemasks, which are very rare), intricately decorated bronze wine jugs, considerable quantities of military equipment including swords, axes and spears; blacksmiths tools and farming implements in pristine condition, human and animal remains, many of which remain mysterious and only partially explained; writing tablets yet to be investigated.
- Scotland has among the highest number of Iron Age Hillforts in Europe, 1,694 in total and a staggering 408 of these are located in the Scottish Borders. The Trimontium Trust not only aims to tell the story of the Romans in Scotland but also the people who were living here when they arrived. This includes promoting the unique hillfort heritage of the Borders.
Jason Dyer
07944 894498