Join us for the third and final Autumn talk as we welcome Dr. Richard Tipping, Biological & Environmental Sciences, University of Stirling. In a change to the original format, this talk will now be online, due to popular demand.
Richard Tipping, Biological & Environmental Sciences, University of Stirling
Richard Tipping, an environmental scientist, palaeo-ecologist and geo-archaeologist with a special interest in the Iron Age landscape of Southern Scotland, has been involved in exploring the evolution of Scotland’s landscapes since the 1980s.
Richard’s presentation will cover the techniques that allow us to explore how these landscapes changed and why. He will trace environmental changes from approximately 500 BC to the early historic (‘dark age’) period to consider reasons for the destruction of the later prehistoric forests, the establishment and spread of farming systems, their relation to contemporary climate changes and the interaction of native farmers and the Roman army in the north.