About Trimontium
Trimontium is a Roman site near Newstead, just east of Melrose. It is of international importance as the largest Roman fort and settlement founded north of Hadrian’s Wall and the site of one of the greatest concentration of Roman military-related finds in the British Isles.
The fort and the settlement comprised a military/civilian complex which involves a fort, 4 annexes, field systems, a bridge crossing the river Tweed plus roads, shrines and a cemetery covering around 370 acres. It also the site of the most northerly Roman Amphitheatre within the Roman empire.
Trimontium encapsulated all levels of Roman society with bath houses, vicus, mansio, horse-training structures and workshops. The main Roman road from Hadrian’s Wall, Dere Street, passes through the site, which formed a significant advanced post in the area to the north of Hadrian’s Wall.